sexta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2019

Differential Equations 숭실대학교 송윤정-Soongsil University - Prof.Dra.Yoon Song-Department of Mathematics Seoul, South Korea

Differential Equations 숭실대학교 송윤정-Soongsil University - Prof.Yunjung Song

Differential equation is a mathematical model for situations where a relationship between a continuous variable and its rate of changes are available. It has applications in many areas of science such as engineering, physics, and economics. We study simple types of ordinary differential equations and their solutions. Topics of this course include: solutions of first- and second order linear differential equations, non-linear exact and separable equations, integrating factors, homogeneous equations, higher-order linear equations, initial and boundary value problems, solutions as functions of the equations parameters, Laplace transforms.

FULL COURSE Differential equations

terça-feira, 12 de novembro de 2019

50 por 1: Alvaro Garnero vai ao PERU e visita uma feira o CÂNION DO COLCA e admira O Vôo do Condor-AREQUIPA


50x1: Álvaro Garnero presencia o voo dos condores no PERU  Domingo Espetacular
 Álvaro Garnero presencia o voo dos condores no Peru Álvaro Garnero segue viagem pelo Peru e visita Arequipa, uma cidade que vive em estado de alerta constante por estar rodeada de vulcões. No Cânion de Colca, Álvaro presencia o voo dos condores. O espetáculo tem hora certa para acontecer todos os dias.

segunda-feira, 11 de novembro de 2019

Hanyang University Department of Physics Course Name: Mathematical Physics 1 Lecturer: Prof. Sang Jin Sin-한양대학교 물리학과 과목명 : 수리물리학1 - SEOUL SOUTH KOREA

한양대학교 물리학과

 과목명 : 수리물리학1 강연일자 : 2012.03.05 강연자 : 신상진 교수

 강의개요 : 벡터공간과 벡터장을 설명하고 내적으로 통해 길이를 정의하여 내적을 불변케하는 일차변환을 회전이라 정의한다. 회전변환에 의해 벡터를 정의한다