quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2020

Methods of mathematical physics in examples and problems. In 2 volumes.Vol. II A.F. Goryunov Методы математической физики в примерах и задачах. В 2 т. Т.II Горюнов А.Ф.


Methods of mathematical physics in examples and problems. In 2 volumes.Vol. II A.F. Goryunov Методы математической физики в примерах и задачах. В 2 т. Т.II Горюнов А.Ф.

The manual is focused on the specialties "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", "Physics", "Mechanics", "Physics of the Atomic Nucleus and Particles", etc. The manual is a collection of problems and examples on equations of mathematical physics. Topics of the second volume: method of potentials, Green's functions, conformal mappings, method of characteristics, nonlinear equations. The apparatus of generalized functions is used for solving problems. The manual is addressed to students studying mathematical and theoretical physics; some fragments may be useful for graduate students, engineering and technical and scientific workers interested in this area of ​​knowledge. 

sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2020

Problemas de física - Kogan B.Yu.-1971-Задачи по физике - Коган Б.Ю.-1971 (IDIOMA RUSO)


The proposed collection consists of problems of increased difficulty in the course of elementary physics. It is intended for teachers, as well as for those preparing for admission to universities with increased requirements for knowledge of physics. The collection contains 700 problems, equipped with solutions, and answers to all problems. At the beginning of each paragraph, theoretical informationrelated to the topic under consideration is given.

LINK 1: https://cloud.degoo.com/share/exGMUqlNCmBDkq


terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2020

РУКОВОДСТВО К РЕШЕНИЮ ЗАДАЧ ПО МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОМУ АНАЛИЗУ-Г. И. ЗАПОРОЖЕЦ-A Guide to Solving Mathematical Analysis Problems -Zaporozhets G.I.

A Guide to Solving Mathematical Analysis Problems Zaporozhets G.I. The "Guide" contains tasks on the following topics: derivative and differential of a function, study of functions and plotting their graphs, indefinite integral, definite integral, functions of many variables, multiple, curvilinear and surface integrals, elements of field theory, series, differential equations. Detailed approximate solutions of typical problems are given, as well as the necessary theoretical information. The peculiarity of this book is the presentation of the material, which allows you to use it for independent work. The textbook is intended for students of technical and technological specialties of universities 

domingo, 1 de novembro de 2020

Colección de problemas de álgebra superior Author Okunev L.Ya.-Сборник задач по высшей алгебре Окунев Л.Я.

Este libro de problemas está destinado a estudiantes de física y matemáticas. facultad de institutos pedagógicos y contiene tareas dedicadas a la teoría determinantes, la teoría general de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales con varios incógnitas, teoría de matrices, grupos, anillos y campos, números complejos, polinomios, expresiones algebraicas y soluciones de ecuaciones algebraicas de cuarto grado en radicales cuadrados, la teoría polinomios simétricos.


Colección de problemas de álgebra A.I. Kostrikin- Сборник задач по алгебре-Кострикин А.И.


Colección de problemas de álgebra A.I. Kostrikin- Сборник задач по алгебре-Кострикин А.И. 

Resumen: El libro de problemas fue compilado en relación con el libro de texto por A.I. Kostrikin "Introducción al álgebra" (T. 1. "Fundamentos del álgebra", T. 2. "Álgebra lineal", V. 3. "Estructuras básicas del álgebra") y el libro de texto de A.I. Kostrikina, Yu.I. Manin "Álgebra lineal y geometría". El propósito del libro es proporcionar seminarios en dos cursos obligatorios a la vez: "Álgebra superior" y "Álgebra lineal y geometría", así como proporcionar a los estudiantes material para el trabajo independiente. Para estudiantes de los dos primeros años de departamentos de matemáticas de universidades e institutos pedagógicos.

BAJAR EL LIBRO EN LA WEB:https://pt.b-ok.lat/book/441252/cf20fe