domingo, 3 de março de 2024

Differential Equations And The Calculus Of Variations by L. Elsgolts (VERSION EN ESPAÑOL Y RUSA)

Differential Equations And The Calculus Of Variations by L. Elsgolts 

This text is meant for students of higher schools and deals with the most important sections of mathematics-differential equations and the calculus of variations. The book contains a large number of examples and problems with solutions involving applications of mathematics to physics and mechanics. The book was translated from the Russian by George Yankovsky and was first published by Mir Publishers in 1970. There were two reprints one in 1973 and one in 1977. The book here is to the third reprint.



Дифференциальные уравнения и вариационное исчисление
 Эльсгольц Л. Э


Differential and Integral Calculus (Volumes 1 & 2) – Piskunov


About the book 
Text book by the late professor Nikolai Piskunov DSs (Physics and Maths) is devoted to the most important divisions of higher mathematics. This edition revised and last published in two volumes The first volume dealing with the following topics: Number, Variable, Function, Limit, Continuity of a Function, Derivative and Differential, Certain Theorems on Differentiable Functions, The Curvature of a Curve, Complex Numbers, Polynomials, Functions of Several Variables, Applications of Differential Calculus to Solid Geometry, The Indefinite Integral, The Definite Integral, Mechanical Applications of the Definite Integral. The second volume dealing with the following topics: Differential Equations, Multiple Integrals, Line and Surface Integrals, Series, Fourier Series, The Equations of Mathematical Physics, Operational Calculus and Certain of its Applications, Elements of the Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Matrices. There are numerous examples and problems in each section of the course many of them demonstrate the ties between mathematics and other senses making the book useful for self study is a textbook for higher technical schools that has gone through several editions in Russian and also has been translated into French and Spanish and Portuguese. The books were translated from the Russian by George Yankovsky and published by Mir in 2 volume format in 1981 as Fourth reprint.


Calculo Diferencial E Integral – Tomo I by N. Piskunov- ( VERSION ESPAÑOL)

Libro de texto del difunto profesor Nikolai Piskunov (Física y Matemáticas) está dedicado a las divisiones más importantes de las matemáticas superiores. 

Esta edición revisada y publicada por última vez en dos volúmenes El primer volumen trata los siguientes temas: Número, Variable, Función, Límite, Continuidad de una Función, Derivada y Diferencial, Ciertos Teoremas sobre Funciones Diferenciables, La Curvatura de una Curva, Números Complejos, Polinomios, Funciones de Varias Variables, Aplicaciones del Cálculo Diferencial a la Geometría Sólida, La Integral Indefinida, La Integral Definida, Aplicaciones Mecánicas de la Integral Definida. El segundo volumen trata los siguientes temas: Ecuaciones Diferenciales, Integrales Múltiples, Integrales de Líneas y Superficies, Series, Series de Fourier, Ecuaciones de Física Matemática, Cálculo Operacional y Algunas de sus Aplicaciones, Elementos de la Teoría de la Probabilidad y Estadística Matemática, Matrices. Hay numerosos ejemplos y problemas en cada sección del curso, muchos de ellos demuestran los vínculos entre las matemáticas y otros sentidos que hacen que el libro sea útil para el un libro de texto para escuelas técnicas superiores que ha pasado por varias ediciones en ruso y también ha sido traducido al francés y al español.


Calculo Diferencial E Integral – Tomo I
by N. Piskunov


Calculo Diferencial E Integral – Tomo 2
by N. Piskunov