A Collection Of Problems ( Higher Mathematics) by Ya. S. Bugrov; S. M. Nikolsky
This collection of about 1200 problems has been compiled for the following three textbooks by the same authors: Fundamentals o f Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry. Differential and Integral Calculus. Differential Equa tions. Multiple Integrals. Series. Theory Functions of a Complex Variable, thus completing a course in higher mathematics for engineering students and forming a four-book series entitled “Higher Mathematics”. Academician S. Nikolsky is the author of the two-volume textbook A Course of Mathematical Analysis issued in English by Mir Publishers in 1977 and re printed in 1981. All the problems are provided with ans wers, some of the problems are sup plied with hints. The book contains many worked problems. At the beginning of each section references are given indicating the chapters and sections of the above mentioned books where the corresponding theoretical material can be found.