OLIMPIADAS DE MATEMATICAS ,este blog tiene como finalidad ser una guia para los estudiantes preuniversitarios,universitarios,Ingenieria,Matemáticas, Математика,College and Pre-College Mathematics -VESTIBULAR UNIVERSIDADES BRASIL,CHESS,XADREZ,AJEDREZ. “Temos o destino que merecemos. O nosso destino está de acordo com os nossos Méritos” ALBERT EINSTEIN. EL FUTURO NO ES MAÑANA,EL FUTURO SE CONSTRUYE HOY,EL SUCESSO NO ES FRUTO DE LA CASUALIDAD,SE HUMILDE APRENDE SIEMPRE
domingo, 28 de junho de 2015
Kaplan Practical lessons in higher mathematic-Part I. Analytical geometry in a plane and in space. Part II. Differential calculus of functions of one and several independent variables. Part III. The integral calculus of functions of a single independent variable. Integration of differential equations. .
The whole work consists of 5 parts:
Part I. Analytical geometry in a plane and in space.
Part II. Differential calculus of functions of one and several independent variables.
Part III. The integral calculus of functions of a single independent variable. Integration of differential equations. .
Part IV. Multiples and curvilinear integrals.
Part V. The numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations, matrix calculus, vector analysis, and integration of linear differential equations of the first order partial derivatives.
In the first book (947str.) Are part of the I, II and III. Download (8.64 Mb)
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