quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2016

Selected problems from Estonian Math Contests-Estonian Math Competitions National Contests-1992-2013

Here you can find electronic versions of the booklet “Estonian Math Competitions” which is distributed annually to the IMO community. It contains (usually selected) problems from the open contests and the national olympiad and all problems from the IMO team selection contest. Many problems used in the open contests and national olympiad have been taken from among math contest problems of other countries; starting from our 2003/2004 booklet, we have tried to reject such problems from our booklet, so keeping it containing more or less original problems only. Many problems used in the IMO team selection contests have been proposed by Agnis Andžāns, the grand old man of Latvian math olympiads.


LINK ORIGINAL:http://www.math.olympiaadid.ut.ee/eng/html/index.php

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