OLIMPIADAS DE MATEMATICAS ,este blog tiene como finalidad ser una guia para los estudiantes preuniversitarios,universitarios,Ingenieria,Matemáticas, Математика,College and Pre-College Mathematics -VESTIBULAR UNIVERSIDADES BRASIL,CHESS,XADREZ,AJEDREZ. “Temos o destino que merecemos. O nosso destino está de acordo com os nossos Méritos” ALBERT EINSTEIN. EL FUTURO NO ES MAÑANA,EL FUTURO SE CONSTRUYE HOY,EL SUCESSO NO ES FRUTO DE LA CASUALIDAD,SE HUMILDE APRENDE SIEMPRE
domingo, 1 de janeiro de 2017
Mathematical analysis examples and problems. Part 2 rows, the function of several variables, multiple and curvilinear integrals.Authors: Ivan Lyashko Alexey Boyarchuk Klimentievich, Yakov Gavrilovich Guy, Gregory Petrovich Golovach.
Математический анализ в примерах и задачах. Часть 2. Ряды, функции нескольких переменных, кратные и криволинейные интегралы.
Авторы: Иван Иванович Ляшко, Алексей Климентьевич Боярчук, Яков Гаврилович Гай, Григорий Петрович Головач
Mathematical Analysis examples and problems. Part 2 rows, the function of several variables, multiple and curvilinear integrals.
Authors: Ivan Lyashko Alexey Boyarchuk Klimentievich, Yakov Gavrilovich Guy, Gregory Petrovich Golovach.
SUMMARY: Chapter I. The series (3). Chapter II. Differential calculus of functions of several variables (170). Chapter III. Integrals depending on a parameter (336). Chapter IV. Multiple and curvilinear integrals (427). Answers (667).
Abstract: The book consists of four chapters. At the beginning of each paragraph with suitable theoretical material, and then examples and counterexamples are discussed in detail. It contains more than 1140 solved examples and problems, there are also examples and tasks for independent solving. The manual is intended for students of mechanical-mathematical and physical faculties, and cybernetics faculties of universities, physical and mathematical faculties of pedagogical institutes and for students of technical universitie
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