OLIMPIADAS DE MATEMATICAS ,este blog tiene como finalidad ser una guia para los estudiantes preuniversitarios,universitarios,Ingenieria,Matemáticas, Математика,College and Pre-College Mathematics -VESTIBULAR UNIVERSIDADES BRASIL,CHESS,XADREZ,AJEDREZ. “Temos o destino que merecemos. O nosso destino está de acordo com os nossos Méritos” ALBERT EINSTEIN. EL FUTURO NO ES MAÑANA,EL FUTURO SE CONSTRUYE HOY,EL SUCESSO NO ES FRUTO DE LA CASUALIDAD,SE HUMILDE APRENDE SIEMPRE
domingo, 31 de maio de 2020
Selected Problems On Physics by S. P. Myasnikov, T. N. Osanova
The main purpose of the book is to help those preparing for entrance examinations to engineering colleges in revisiing the high-school physics course and in further studies at the college. The fourth edition of the book came out in 1981. Amendments to the physics curriculum at the high-school and polytechnic level have been incorporated as well as extra material on other branches of the physics course. The 6Eth edition was prepared by taking into account the modified style of problems set at the entrance examinations
ORIGINAL LINK:https://archive.org/download/MyasnikovOsanovaSelectedProblemsOnPhysics
DOWNLOAD FILE DJVU:https://archive.org/download/MyasnikovOsanovaSelectedProblemsOnPhysics/Myasnikov-%20Osanova-Selected%20Problems%20on%20Physics.djvu
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