OLIMPIADAS DE MATEMATICAS ,este blog tiene como finalidad ser una guia para los estudiantes preuniversitarios,universitarios,Ingenieria,Matemáticas, Математика,College and Pre-College Mathematics -VESTIBULAR UNIVERSIDADES BRASIL,CHESS,XADREZ,AJEDREZ. “Temos o destino que merecemos. O nosso destino está de acordo com os nossos Méritos” ALBERT EINSTEIN. EL FUTURO NO ES MAÑANA,EL FUTURO SE CONSTRUYE HOY,EL SUCESSO NO ES FRUTO DE LA CASUALIDAD,SE HUMILDE APRENDE SIEMPRE
quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2021
Problems In Undergraduate Physics Volume II Electricity And Magnetism by S. P. Streklov; I. A. El'stin; S. E. Khaikin
Problems In Undergraduate Physics Volume II Electricity And Magnetism
by S. P. Streklov; I. A. El'stin; S. E. Khaikin
This set of four books of problems is based on a translation of a Russian collection which has been in use by students in physics at Moscow State University and the Moscow Physico-Technical In stitute for a number of years. Where appropriate, answers and solutions to the problems are given in the second part of each
During the course of the translation of these volumes, the
authors provided a large list of amendments and additions to their Russian text and these have all been incorporated in this English edition. Many of the additional problems are on topics which have developed during recent years.
The standard of the problems is roughly equivalent to an undergraduate degree course in physics at a British university, or at an American university; it varies from the simple to the rather sophisticated. They can be used in conjunction with almost any textbook on physics at the appropriate level.
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