sábado, 6 de novembro de 2021

Сборник задач по высшей математике by В.П. Минорский -Problems in Higher Mathematics by Minorsky (RUSSIAN VERSION AND ENGLISH VERSION)

Problems in Higher Mathematics Minorsky V.P.  (ENGLISH VERSION)

 A collection of 2570 problems in analytic geometry and mathematical analysis for university engineering students. As each section opens with the formulas, definitions and other theory needed for solution of the problems that follow, and answers and indications on how to go about the solution are provided for many of the problems, the book can be used either under the supervision of an instructor or for independent study by correspondence and extramural students. Each section closes with questions for revision, this material constituting one third of the volume of the book.

Сборник задач по высшей математике by Василий Павлович Минорский (RUSSIAN VERSION)

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