Matematicas preuniversitarias,fisica preuniversitaria,algebra,geometria,trigonometria
mathematics,physics,geometry,Математика,College,Pre-College,vestibular universidades,olimpiadas de matematicas,Mathematical Olympiad,Algebra Problems,Geometry Problems,High School Geometry,Trigonometry Problems,Descriptive Geometry,Problems In Calculus Of One Variable,ECUACIONES DIFERENCIALES,problemas de fisica,Problems On Physics,Linear Algebra,Problems In Elementary Mathematics,Inequalities,Mathematics for high school students,EXAMENS DE ADMISION ALGEBRA.



domingo, 24 de setembro de 2023

Design and evaluation of automotive power module : 650V GaN E-HEMT with meandered interconnection and integrated motor-inverter power module


Design and evaluation of automotive power module : 650V GaN E-HEMT with meandered interconnection and integrated motor-inverter power module

 With increasing demand in automotive fuel efficiency and ever-strengthening global carbon dioxide emission regulations, electrification has become an indispensable trend. Especially in the automobile industry, miniaturization and performance are other major challenges, and they should be considered with electrification as goals in the equipment design stage. Because of the challenges, a tailored design and evaluation process is necessary for power modules that perform high-level power conversion for motor driving. This dissertation attempts to present the design and evaluation of power modules used in electrified vehicles. The dissertation starts with the configuration of a power module and a description of each module component. A power module includes power devices and packaging components. Among the power devices, wide bandgap (WBG) devices have recently been widely used in power modules, and their characteristics are described. In addition, the roles of packaging components and their design considerations are presented. Because the power module treats electric power, electrical verification is important. Electrical verification methods based on the finite element method (FEM) and circuit simulation tools are introduced. The aforementioned design and evaluation methods are applied to the proposed models of two applications. First, a new interconnection design is proposed. The interconnection is specially designed for the GaN E-mode High-electron-mobility Transistor (E-HEMT). The design process for the proposed interconnection is presented in detail, and a parametric study is conducted considering major design variables, to achieve minimum parasitic inductance and thermal resistance objectives. The expected advantages of the optimal interconnection design, as obtained from the parametric study, are described. To verify these expected advantages, various simulations and experiments are conducted. A prototype of the proposed interconnection is fabricated and experimentally evaluated. Secondly, the inverter power module is designed and analyzed to be applied in the motor-inverter integrated structure of the electric compressor and starter-generator components used in 48-V mild hybrid vehicle system. An improved power module design is proposed, and it demonstrates all of the electrical and thermal performances required in the integrated structure. The performances are evaluated by conducting electrical/thermal simulations and experiments. As a result, the superiority of the proposed interconnection for GaN E-HEMTs and the improved power module considering the integrated structure was demonstrated, and their evaluation processes were validated based on the similarity between the simulation and experimental results.

segunda-feira, 11 de setembro de 2023

Сборник задач по физике (Баканина, Белонучкин, Козел, Мазанько) 1983 год - старые учебники-Coleção de problemas de física (Bakanina, Belonuchkin, Kozel, Mazanko) 1983


Coleção de problemas de física (Bakanina, Belonuchkin, Kozel, Mazanko) 1983

 Objetivo: Para estudantes de departamentos preparatórios de universidades, pessoas que se preparam de forma independente para admissão em universidades com perfil físico; pode ser utilizado no trabalho de escolas de física e matemática e clubes escolares de física, além de servir como um benefício adicional para alunos de universidades pedagógicas e professores de física de escolas secundárias. A coleção contém mais de 850 problemas de física, principalmente daqueles oferecidos nos vestibulares do Instituto de Física e Tecnologia de Moscou. Juntamente com problemas de maior dificuldade, a coleção inclui problemas mais simples destinados a um leitor menos preparado, destinados à familiarização inicial com a metodologia de resolução de problemas. A maioria dos problemas é acompanhada de soluções ou explicações. Ao mesmo tempo, uma série de tarefas são deixadas para análise independente. © "Ciência, Editora Principal de Literatura Física e Matemática" Moscou 1983 Autoria: Lyudmila Pavlovna Bakanina, Vladimir Evgenievich Belonuchkin, Stanislav Mironovich Kozel, Igor Pavlovich Mazanko