Matematicas preuniversitarias,fisica preuniversitaria,algebra,geometria,trigonometria
mathematics,physics,geometry,Математика,College,Pre-College,vestibular universidades,olimpiadas de matematicas,Mathematical Olympiad,Algebra Problems,Geometry Problems,High School Geometry,Trigonometry Problems,Descriptive Geometry,Problems In Calculus Of One Variable,ECUACIONES DIFERENCIALES,problemas de fisica,Problems On Physics,Linear Algebra,Problems In Elementary Mathematics,Inequalities,Mathematics for high school students,EXAMENS DE ADMISION ALGEBRA.



sexta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2021

Selected Problems on Physics – Myasnikov, Osanova


Selected Problems on Physics – Myasnikov, Osanova About The main purpose of the book is to help those preparing for entrance examinations to engineering colleges in revisiing the high-school physics course and in further studies at the college.

The fourth edition of the book came out in 1981. Amendments to the physics curriculum at the high-school and polytechnic level have been incorporated as well as extra material on other branches of the physics course. The 6Eth edition was prepared by taking into account the modified style of problems set at the entrance examinations.

Each section begins with a brief description of the basic theory, physical laws, and formulas. This is followed by worked problems and a few descriptive problems. Exercises and questions for revision are givena at the end of each section. The problems are solved according to the unified and optimal approach described in the introduction. By solving the problems, students will acquire a firm theoretical background and knowledge which will help them in their work in whichever sector of the economy they will be employed. The appendices contain tables required for solving problems, SI units of physical quantities. And the rules for approximate calculations.

In addition to the problems composed by the autbors this book also includes a selection of problems set for the aptitude tests and entrance examination in physics at the N.E. Buaman Higher Technical School and other technical institutios in Moscow. Intended for students of preparatory courses at engineering colleges, this book can also be used by high-school students, students of intermediate colleges, and those interested in self-education.

LINK  https://archive.org/download/MyasnikovOsanovaSelectedProblemsOnPhysics/Myasnikov-%20Osanova-Selected%20Problems%20on%20Physics.djvu

terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2021

Una colección completa de soluciones a problemas de matemáticas para aspirantes a universidades.-Ed. Skanavi M.I.


Los manuales ayudarán a prepararse para los exámenes finales en la escuela secundaria, aprobar los exámenes de acceso a la universidad y USE. Los libros están dirigidos a estudiantes de secundaria, aspirantes, tutores y profesores.


sexta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2021

Olympiad for schoolchildren "Lomonosov" in mathematics (2005-2015)ALEXANDER BEGUNTS-Олимпиада школьников «Ломоносов» по математике (2005–2015) Бегунц А.В.


Олимпиада школьников «Ломоносов» по математике (2005–2015) 
Бегунц А.В. В книге приведены задания олимпиады «Ломоносов» по математике 2005–2015 гг., т.е. за все годы её проведения. Все задачи снабжены подробными решениями или ответами. Дана полезная информация будущим участникам олимпиады.

quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2020

Methods of mathematical physics in examples and problems. In 2 volumes.Vol. II A.F. Goryunov Методы математической физики в примерах и задачах. В 2 т. Т.II Горюнов А.Ф.


Methods of mathematical physics in examples and problems. In 2 volumes.Vol. II A.F. Goryunov Методы математической физики в примерах и задачах. В 2 т. Т.II Горюнов А.Ф.

The manual is focused on the specialties "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", "Physics", "Mechanics", "Physics of the Atomic Nucleus and Particles", etc. The manual is a collection of problems and examples on equations of mathematical physics. Topics of the second volume: method of potentials, Green's functions, conformal mappings, method of characteristics, nonlinear equations. The apparatus of generalized functions is used for solving problems. The manual is addressed to students studying mathematical and theoretical physics; some fragments may be useful for graduate students, engineering and technical and scientific workers interested in this area of ​​knowledge. 

sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2020

Problemas de física - Kogan B.Yu.-1971-Задачи по физике - Коган Б.Ю.-1971 (IDIOMA RUSO)


The proposed collection consists of problems of increased difficulty in the course of elementary physics. It is intended for teachers, as well as for those preparing for admission to universities with increased requirements for knowledge of physics. The collection contains 700 problems, equipped with solutions, and answers to all problems. At the beginning of each paragraph, theoretical informationrelated to the topic under consideration is given.

LINK 1: https://cloud.degoo.com/share/exGMUqlNCmBDkq