Matematicas preuniversitarias,fisica preuniversitaria,algebra,geometria,trigonometria
mathematics,physics,geometry,Математика,College,Pre-College,vestibular universidades,olimpiadas de matematicas,Mathematical Olympiad,Algebra Problems,Geometry Problems,High School Geometry,Trigonometry Problems,Descriptive Geometry,Problems In Calculus Of One Variable,ECUACIONES DIFERENCIALES,problemas de fisica,Problems On Physics,Linear Algebra,Problems In Elementary Mathematics,Inequalities,Mathematics for high school students,EXAMENS DE ADMISION ALGEBRA.



domingo, 6 de fevereiro de 2022

Active gate switching control of IGBT to improve efficiency in high power density converters- AUTOR Ghorbani, Hamidreza- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica Document-Doctoral thesis

 Active gate switching control of IGBT to improve efficiency in high power density converters 

 Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the PhD degree issued by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, in its Electronic Engineering Program 
BY Hamidreza Ghorbani 
Director: Dr. Prof. Jose Luis Romeral Martinez Co-Director: Dr. Eng. Vicent Sala -May 2019 

 Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) power semiconductors are widely employed in industrial applications. This power switch capability in high voltage blocking and high current-carrying has expanded its use in power electronics. However, efficiency improvement and reducing the size of products is one of main tasks of engineers in recent years. In order to achieve high-density power converters, attentions are focused on the use of fast IGBTs. Therefore, for achieving this desire the trend is designing more effective IGBT gate drivers. In gate drive (GD) controlling, the main issue is maintaining transient behavior of the MOS-channel switch in well condition; when it switches fast to reduce losses. It is well known that fast switching has a direct effect on the efficiency improvement; meanwhile, it is the major reason of appearing electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems in switched-mode power converters. Nowadays the most expectant of an active gate driver (AGD) is actively adjusting the switching transient through simple circuit implementation. Usually its performance is compared with the conventional gate driver (CGD) with fixed driving profile. As a result a proposed AGD has the capability of increasing the switching speed while minimizing the switching stress. Different novel active gate drivers (as feed-forward and closed-loop topologies) have been designed and analysed in this study. To improve the exist trade-off between switching losses and EMI problem, all effective factors on this trade-off are evaluated and considered in proposed solutions. Theoretical developments include proposed controlling methods and simulated efficiency of IGBTs switching control. The efficiency improvement has been pursued with considering EMI study in the proposed active gate controller. Experimental tests have been conducted to verify the design and validate the results. Beside technical aspects, cost study has also considered in the closed-loop GD. The proposed gate drivers are simple enough to allow its use in real industrial applications. 

 Los semiconductores de potencia (IGBT) se emplean ampliamente en aplicaciones industriales. La capacidad de este interruptor de bloqueo en alta tensión y conducción de alta corriente ha ampliado su uso en la electrónica de potencia. Sin embargo, la mejora de la eficiencia y la reducción del tamaño de los convertidores de potencia es una de las tareas principales de los ingenieros de diseño. Para lograr convertidores de potencia de alta densidad y eficiencia, se requiere el uso de IGBT rápidos. Por lo tanto, la tendencia es diseñar controladores de puerta para IGBT más efectivos. En el control de la unidad de puerta (GD), el problema principal es mantener el comportamiento transitorio del conmutador del canal MOS bajo control, cuando conmuta a lata frecuencia para reducir las pérdidas. Es bien sabido que la conmutación rápida tiene un efecto directo en la mejora de la eficiencia; Sin embargo, la alta frecuencia de conmutación es la razón principal de la aparición de problemas de interferencia electromagnética (EMI) en los convertidores de potencia de modo conmutado. En la actualidad, la acción más directa para un controlador de puerta activo (AGD) consiste en el ajuste activo del transitorio de conmutación a través de la implementación de un circuito simple. Para evaluar su eficiencia, su rendimiento se compara con el controlador de puerta convencional (CGD) con perfil de conducción fijo. Los resultados muestran que la propuesta de AGD tiene la capacidad de aumentar la velocidad de conmutación mientras minimiza el stress. En este estudio se han diseñado y analizado diferentes controladores de puerta activa novedosos (como topologías de control en avance y de bucle cerrado). Para mejorar el balance existente entre la reducción de pérdidas y los problemas de EMI, todos los factores que afectan a las pérdidas y la EMI se evalúan y se consideran en las soluciones propuestas. Los desarrollos teóricos incluyen el análisis y desarrollo de los métodos de control propuestos, la simulación de la operación del control de conmutación del IGBT, y la validación experimental. Además de los aspectos técnicos de eficiencia y emisiones electromagnéticas, el estudio de costes también se ha considerado en los análisis de AGD. Los resultados muestran que los controladores de puerta propuestos son lo suficientemente eficientes y económicos como para permitir su uso en aplicaciones industriales reales [-]

sábado, 25 de dezembro de 2021

Curso superior de matemática - V.S. Shipachev-Курс высшей математики - Шипачев В.С

 Curso superior de matemática - V.S. Shipachev

 O livro apresenta material em áreas importantes da matemática superior, como informações da teoria dos conjuntos e a teoria dos números reais, a teoria dos limites das sequências e funções, os fundamentos do cálculo diferencial e integral das funções de uma e várias variáveis, elementos de geometria analítica no plano e no espaço, algumas questões de álgebra linear e vetorial, teoria das séries e teoria das equações diferenciais ordinárias. É dada atenção considerável à resolução de exemplos típicos e problemas de natureza teórica e aplicada. Destinado a alunos de diversas especialidades de universidades e universidades técnicas.

Курс дифференциального и интегрального исчисления, Г.М. Фихтенгольц(Том 1-TOM2-TOM3)- Differential and Integral Calculus Course ,Grigory Mikhailovich Fikhtengolts(VOLUME 1,VOLUME 2,VOLUME 3)-RUSSIAN LANGUAJE

Differential and Integral Calculus Course Grigory Mikhailovich Fikhtengolts Fikhtengolts G.M. 

Dif.In 3 volumes.Vol. I-VOL2-VOL3 / Prev. and approx. A.A. Florinsky. - 8th ed. - M .: FIZMATLIT, 2003 .-- 680 p. - 

The fundamental textbook on mathematical analysis, which has gone through many editions and translated into a number of foreign languages, is distinguished, on the one hand, by its systematic and rigorous presentation, and, on the other hand, by its simple language, detailed explanations and numerous examples illustrating the theory. The course is intended for students of universities, pedagogical and technical universities and has been used for a long time in various educational institutions as one of the main teaching aids. It allows the student not only to master theoretical material, but also to acquire the most important practical skills. The course is highly regarded by mathematicians as a unique collection of various facts of analysis, some of which cannot be found in other books in Russian. The first edition was published in 1948..

LINK TOMO I :https://www.mediafire.com/file/52r529dft2i71qh/kurs-differencialnogo-i-integralnogo-ischislenija_-v-3-h-tt_-tom-1-pdfdrive-.pdf/file

terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2021

Реалити: «Вызов. Первые в космосе» 8 серия -Reality: “Challenge. The first in space " The first in space. Episode 8


New reality on Channel One. Viewers will see all the stages of preparation for the shooting of the film "Challenge" - the first film in history, which will be filmed in orbit of the International Space Station. This is not just the first movie in orbit, but part of a joint scientific and educational project of Channel One and the state corporation Roscosmos. In the new episode: actress Yulia Peresild and director Klim Shipenko spent 12 days in orbit. What did they have to face in space, what discoveries were awaiting them on the ISS?

sábado, 6 de novembro de 2021

Сборник задач по высшей математике by В.П. Минорский -Problems in Higher Mathematics by Minorsky (RUSSIAN VERSION AND ENGLISH VERSION)

Problems in Higher Mathematics Minorsky V.P.  (ENGLISH VERSION)

 A collection of 2570 problems in analytic geometry and mathematical analysis for university engineering students. As each section opens with the formulas, definitions and other theory needed for solution of the problems that follow, and answers and indications on how to go about the solution are provided for many of the problems, the book can be used either under the supervision of an instructor or for independent study by correspondence and extramural students. Each section closes with questions for revision, this material constituting one third of the volume of the book.

Сборник задач по высшей математике by Василий Павлович Минорский (RUSSIAN VERSION)

PROBLEMAS DE ALGEBRA SUPERIOR-FADDDIEV,SOMINSKY ( SPANISH VERSION RUSSIAN VERSION AND ENGLISH VERSION)-Дмитрий Константинович Фаддеев. Илья Самуилович Соминский. СБОРНИК ЗАДАЧ по высшЩЕЙ АЛГЕБРЕ. М., 1977-Problems in Higher Algebra D. K. Faddeev, I. Sominsky--



LINK ORIGINAL: https://pt.br1lib.org/book/997542/76c12f



Дмитрий Константинович Фаддеев. Илья Самуилович Соминский. СБОРНИК ЗАДАЧ по высшЩЕЙ АЛГЕБРЕ. М., 1977

LINK EN LA WEB: https://ikfia.ysn.ru/wpcontent/uploads/2018/01/FaddeevSominskij1977ru.pdf

Problems in Higher Algebra D. K. Faddeev, I. Sominsky 

This book of problems in higher algebra grew out of a course of instruction at the Leningrad State University and the Herzen Pedagogical Institute. It is designed for students of universities and teacher's colleges as a problem book in higher algebra. The problems included here are of two radically different types. On the one hand, there are a large number of numerical examples aimed at developing computational skills and illustrating the basic propositions of the theory. The authors believe that the number of problems is sufficient to cover work in class, at home and for tests. On the other hand, there are a rather large numb:x of problems of medium difficulty and many which will demand all the initiative and ingenuity of the student. Many of the problems of this category are accompanied by hints and suggestions to be found in Part I I. These problems are starred. Answers are given to all problems, some of the problems are supplied with detailed solutions. 


domingo, 10 de outubro de 2021

В.Г. Мануйленко, Е.Г. Удин ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ ПОСТРОЕНИЯ КРЫЛАТЫХ УПРАВЛЯЕМЫХ РАКЕТ-V.G. -Theoretical foundations of building winged controlled missiles


 В.Г. Мануйленко, Е.Г. Удин