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domingo, 31 de maio de 2015

Ceremonia de Incorporación del Dr. Harald Helfgott Seier como Profesor HONORARIO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL MAYOR DE SAN MARCOS LIMA PERU

 Publicado em 7 de ago de 2013

Un gran honor significa para San Marcos contar entre sus catedráticos con el investigador peruano Dr. Harald Helfgott Seier , cuyo nombre trascendió las fronteras al ser él quien resolvió en abril de este año la Conjetura débil de Goldbach, problema de cálculo no resuelto desde hace 271 años y que a decir de , el quinto mejor matemático de su tiempo, en su famoso discurso de 1921 es uno de los problemas irresueltos más difíciles de las matemáticas

 Por este y otros invalorables aportes a la investigación en el área de las matemáticas, el Dr. Helfgott Seier fue incorporado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos como Profesor Honorario, en una solemne ceremonia desarrollada este 5 de agosto en la Capilla Virgen de Loreto en el Centro Cultural de San Marcos

 El discurso de orden estuvo a cargo de la Decana de la facultad de matemáticas, Dra. Doris Gómez Ticerán

Tras el discurso, El Rector de San Marcos, Dr. Pedro Cotillo Zegarra le impuso la medalla y le hizo entrega del respectivo diploma que lo convierte en profesor honorario de nuestra casa superior de estudios.

Visiblemente emocionado por esta distinción, el matemático compartió con los asistentes sus primeras impresiones.

A la ceremonia asistieron el Rector de la Universidad de San Marcos, Dr. Pedro Cotillo Zegarra. La Vicerrectora Académica Dr. Antonia Castro Rodríguez y el Vicerrector de Investigación Dr. Bernardino Ramírez Bautista. Así mismo, la Decana de la Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, Dr. Doris Gómez Ticerán y sus orgullosos padres, los doctores y catedráticos sanmarquinos Michel Helfgott y María Edith Seier Zúñiga

лекция 8 | Путешествие по современным областям анализа и теории чисел | ...

Lecture 2 Travel by modern analysis and number theory Harald Helfgott, Organized MATHEMATICAL laboratory Chebyshev лекция 2 | Путешествие по современным областям анализа и теории чисел | Harald Helfgott | Лекториум


Путешествие по современным областям анализа и теории чисел, лекция 2, Курс: Путешествие по современным областям анализа и теории чисел, Лектор: Harald Helfgott, Организаторы: Математичеcкая лаборатория имени П.Л.Чебышева
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Harald Andrés Helfgott - Humboldt Professorship 2015 (EN)

 Publicado em 5 de mai de 2015 Every odd number from seven upwards is the sum of three prime numbers according to Goldbach’s ternary conjecture, which has kept mathematicians busy since the 18th century. They have been searching for evidence to prove or refute the conjecture for over two hundred years - but, in spite of remarkable advances in the early 20th century and steady progress since then, a proof was not forthcoming.
In 2013, Peruvian mathematician, Harald Andrés Helfgott, gave a complete proof of the ternary Goldbach conjecture with some computer assistance. And it was not his first breakthrough in mathematics. He has solved fundamental problems on growth in groups and has contributed to the application of diophantine geometry in number theory. He is now set to become an Alexander von Humboldt Professor at the University of Göttingen, reinforcing the research focus on algebraic geometry and number theory and helping Göttingen to advance from an internationally recognised centre of excellence to become a global leader in the field.
 Nominating University: University of Göttingen
 Prof. Dr. Harald Andrés Helfgott Born in Peru in 1977, Harald Andrés Helfgott has been a senior researcher at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) in Paris since 2010, becoming a research professor in October 2014. He studied in the United States, first at Brandeis University and then at Princeton University, where he took his doctorate in 2003. He continued his career as a postdoc at Yale University, USA, and as a lecturer at the Université de Montréal, Canada. After a sojourn at the University of Bristol, UK, Helfgott joined CNRS in France in 2010. He is a member of the American Mathematical Society and the Société Mathématique de France. In his home country of Peru he holds an honorary professorship at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

Equations and Inequalities: Elementary Problems and Theorems in Algebra and ... Por Jiri Herman,Radan Kucera,Jaromir Simsa


101 problems in algebra from the training of the USA IMO team Andreescu T., Feng Z




sábado, 30 de maio de 2015

SCIENCE A YEAR IN SPACE Exclusive: Space Station Astronauts Talk Loneliness, Missing the Weather and Their Crazy Work Schedule

 Astronauts Scott Kelly and Terry Virts speak live from the space station The first six weeks of Scott Kelly’s marathon year aboard the International Space Station (ISS) haven’t been easy. There was the reacclimation to zero-gravity, the failure of a Russian cargo ship carrying needed supplies, the cancellation of singer Sarah Brightman’s planned visit—to say nothing of the constant, minute-by-minute work schedule that is the stuff of any day aboard the station. Kelly and astronaut Terry Virts discussed those things and more in one of at least four video chats TIME will conduct with the ISS during our exclusive Year in Space coverage. Phoning the station is not easy. It takes days of planning and at least an hour of sound checks before the uplink is made, and then long delays as questions and answers are relayed back and forth. It makes ordinary conversation a challenge. Still, even in the 14 minutes the connection lasted—during which the station passed over Canada, the Great Lakes, Minneapolis, Denver, and Southern California—Kelly and Virts were surprisingly open, sharing their feelings about both the camaraderie and the sublime loneliness of being where they are. Kelly especially must be mindful of those feelings as he faces 10 more months of circling the Earth, while his family and friends and everything he knows lie 250 miles below him. “It’s one thing I think about every single day,” he said. And then, like any other astronaut, he put that aside and went back to his work.