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quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2021

Курс дифференциального и интегрального исчисления, Г.М. Фихтенгольц(Том 1-TOM2-TOM3)- Differential and Integral Calculus Course ,Grigory Mikhailovich Fikhtengolts(VOLUME 1,VOLUME 2,VOLUME 3)-RUSSIAN LANGUAJE


Differential and Integral Calculus Course Grigory Mikhailovich Fikhtengolts Fikhtengolts G.M. Dif
.In 3 volumes.Vol. I-VOL2-VOL3 / Prev. and approx. A.A. Florinsky. - 8th ed. - M .: FIZMATLIT, 2003 .-- 680 p. - ISBN 5-9221-0156-0. The fundamental textbook on mathematical analysis, which has gone through many editions and translated into a number of foreign languages, is distinguished, on the one hand, by its systematic and rigorous presentation, and, on the other hand, by its simple language, detailed explanations and numerous examples illustrating the theory. The course is intended for students of universities, pedagogical and technical universities and has been used for a long time in various educational institutions as one of the main teaching aids. It allows the student not only to master theoretical material, but also to acquire the most important practical skills. The course is highly regarded by mathematicians as a unique collection of various facts of analysis, some of which cannot be found in other books in Russian. The first edition was published in 1948..


Um comentário:

  1. Amigo, saludos desde Ecuador. No logro ubicar el link para este libro. Felices fiestas.
