sábado, 25 de dezembro de 2021

Curso superior de matemática - V.S. Shipachev-Курс высшей математики - Шипачев В.С

 Curso superior de matemática - V.S. Shipachev

 O livro apresenta material em áreas importantes da matemática superior, como informações da teoria dos conjuntos e a teoria dos números reais, a teoria dos limites das sequências e funções, os fundamentos do cálculo diferencial e integral das funções de uma e várias variáveis, elementos de geometria analítica no plano e no espaço, algumas questões de álgebra linear e vetorial, teoria das séries e teoria das equações diferenciais ordinárias. É dada atenção considerável à resolução de exemplos típicos e problemas de natureza teórica e aplicada. Destinado a alunos de diversas especialidades de universidades e universidades técnicas.

Курс дифференциального и интегрального исчисления, Г.М. Фихтенгольц(Том 1-TOM2-TOM3)- Differential and Integral Calculus Course ,Grigory Mikhailovich Fikhtengolts(VOLUME 1,VOLUME 2,VOLUME 3)-RUSSIAN LANGUAJE

Differential and Integral Calculus Course Grigory Mikhailovich Fikhtengolts Fikhtengolts G.M. 

Dif.In 3 volumes.Vol. I-VOL2-VOL3 / Prev. and approx. A.A. Florinsky. - 8th ed. - M .: FIZMATLIT, 2003 .-- 680 p. - 

The fundamental textbook on mathematical analysis, which has gone through many editions and translated into a number of foreign languages, is distinguished, on the one hand, by its systematic and rigorous presentation, and, on the other hand, by its simple language, detailed explanations and numerous examples illustrating the theory. The course is intended for students of universities, pedagogical and technical universities and has been used for a long time in various educational institutions as one of the main teaching aids. It allows the student not only to master theoretical material, but also to acquire the most important practical skills. The course is highly regarded by mathematicians as a unique collection of various facts of analysis, some of which cannot be found in other books in Russian. The first edition was published in 1948..

LINK TOMO I :https://www.mediafire.com/file/52r529dft2i71qh/kurs-differencialnogo-i-integralnogo-ischislenija_-v-3-h-tt_-tom-1-pdfdrive-.pdf/file

terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2021

Реалити: «Вызов. Первые в космосе» 8 серия -Reality: “Challenge. The first in space " The first in space. Episode 8


New reality on Channel One. Viewers will see all the stages of preparation for the shooting of the film "Challenge" - the first film in history, which will be filmed in orbit of the International Space Station. This is not just the first movie in orbit, but part of a joint scientific and educational project of Channel One and the state corporation Roscosmos. In the new episode: actress Yulia Peresild and director Klim Shipenko spent 12 days in orbit. What did they have to face in space, what discoveries were awaiting them on the ISS?

sábado, 6 de novembro de 2021

Сборник задач по высшей математике by В.П. Минорский -Problems in Higher Mathematics by Minorsky (RUSSIAN VERSION AND ENGLISH VERSION)

Problems in Higher Mathematics Minorsky V.P.  (ENGLISH VERSION)

 A collection of 2570 problems in analytic geometry and mathematical analysis for university engineering students. As each section opens with the formulas, definitions and other theory needed for solution of the problems that follow, and answers and indications on how to go about the solution are provided for many of the problems, the book can be used either under the supervision of an instructor or for independent study by correspondence and extramural students. Each section closes with questions for revision, this material constituting one third of the volume of the book.

Сборник задач по высшей математике by Василий Павлович Минорский (RUSSIAN VERSION)

PROBLEMAS DE ALGEBRA SUPERIOR-FADDDIEV,SOMINSKY ( SPANISH VERSION RUSSIAN VERSION AND ENGLISH VERSION)-Дмитрий Константинович Фаддеев. Илья Самуилович Соминский. СБОРНИК ЗАДАЧ по высшЩЕЙ АЛГЕБРЕ. М., 1977-Problems in Higher Algebra D. K. Faddeev, I. Sominsky--



LINK ORIGINAL: https://pt.br1lib.org/book/997542/76c12f



Дмитрий Константинович Фаддеев. Илья Самуилович Соминский. СБОРНИК ЗАДАЧ по высшЩЕЙ АЛГЕБРЕ. М., 1977

LINK EN LA WEB: https://ikfia.ysn.ru/wpcontent/uploads/2018/01/FaddeevSominskij1977ru.pdf

Problems in Higher Algebra D. K. Faddeev, I. Sominsky 

This book of problems in higher algebra grew out of a course of instruction at the Leningrad State University and the Herzen Pedagogical Institute. It is designed for students of universities and teacher's colleges as a problem book in higher algebra. The problems included here are of two radically different types. On the one hand, there are a large number of numerical examples aimed at developing computational skills and illustrating the basic propositions of the theory. The authors believe that the number of problems is sufficient to cover work in class, at home and for tests. On the other hand, there are a rather large numb:x of problems of medium difficulty and many which will demand all the initiative and ingenuity of the student. Many of the problems of this category are accompanied by hints and suggestions to be found in Part I I. These problems are starred. Answers are given to all problems, some of the problems are supplied with detailed solutions. 


domingo, 10 de outubro de 2021

В.Г. Мануйленко, Е.Г. Удин ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ ПОСТРОЕНИЯ КРЫЛАТЫХ УПРАВЛЯЕМЫХ РАКЕТ-V.G. -Theoretical foundations of building winged controlled missiles


 В.Г. Мануйленко, Е.Г. Удин 


quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2021

Problems In Undergraduate Physics Volume II Electricity And Magnetism by S. P. Streklov; I. A. El'stin; S. E. Khaikin

Problems In Undergraduate Physics Volume II Electricity And Magnetism by S. P. Streklov; I. A. El'stin; S. E. Khaikin This set of four books of problems is based on a translation of a Russian collection which has been in use by students in physics at Moscow State University and the Moscow Physico-Technical In­ stitute for a number of years. Where appropriate, answers and solutions to the problems are given in the second part of each volume. During the course of the translation of these volumes, the authors provided a large list of amendments and additions to their Russian text and these have all been incorporated in this English edition. Many of the additional problems are on topics which have developed during recent years. The standard of the problems is roughly equivalent to an undergraduate degree course in physics at a British university, or at an American university; it varies from the simple to the rather sophisticated. They can be used in conjunction with almost any textbook on physics at the appropriate level.

Курс дифференциального и интегрального исчисления, Г.М. Фихтенгольц(Том 1-TOM2-TOM3)- Differential and Integral Calculus Course ,Grigory Mikhailovich Fikhtengolts(VOLUME 1,VOLUME 2,VOLUME 3)-RUSSIAN LANGUAJE


Differential and Integral Calculus Course Grigory Mikhailovich Fikhtengolts Fikhtengolts G.M. Dif
.In 3 volumes.Vol. I-VOL2-VOL3 / Prev. and approx. A.A. Florinsky. - 8th ed. - M .: FIZMATLIT, 2003 .-- 680 p. - ISBN 5-9221-0156-0. The fundamental textbook on mathematical analysis, which has gone through many editions and translated into a number of foreign languages, is distinguished, on the one hand, by its systematic and rigorous presentation, and, on the other hand, by its simple language, detailed explanations and numerous examples illustrating the theory. The course is intended for students of universities, pedagogical and technical universities and has been used for a long time in various educational institutions as one of the main teaching aids. It allows the student not only to master theoretical material, but also to acquire the most important practical skills. The course is highly regarded by mathematicians as a unique collection of various facts of analysis, some of which cannot be found in other books in Russian. The first edition was published in 1948..

LINK TOMO I :https://www.mediafire.com/file/52r529dft2i71qh/kurs-differencialnogo-i-integralnogo-ischislenija_-v-3-h-tt_-tom-1-pdfdrive-.pdf/file

quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2021

Теория управления в примерах и задачах Пантелеев А.В., Бортаковский А.С.-Control theory in examples and problems Panteleev A.V. , Bortakovsky A.S

 Control theory in examples and problems Panteleev A.V. , Bortakovsky A.S.

 Methods for solving problems of description, analysis and synthesis of linear and nonlinear control systems are presented. Examples of solving problems of analysis of output processes, stability, controllability and observability of linear continuous systems using all four forms of mathematical description of systems: differential equations, transition functions and spectral transformations are given. Methods for describing and analyzing discrete linear systems using difference equations and Z-transformation are considered. Algorithms for studying nonlinear control systems by methods of phase plane, harmonic and statistical linearization are described. The problems of synthesis of optimal continuous, discrete, continuous-discrete deterministic and stochastic systems, problems of joint estimation and control are presented.

 Теория управления в примерах и задачах Пантелеев А.В., Бортаковский А.С. 

 Изложены методы решения задач описания, анализа и синтеза линейных и нелинейных систем управления. Приведены примеры решения задач анализа выходных процессов, устойчивости, управляемости и наблюдаемости линейных непрерывных систем с использованием всех четырех форм математического описания систем: дифференциальными уравнениями, переходными функциями и спектральными преобразованиями. Рассмотрены методы описания и анализа дискретных линейных систем с помощью разностных уравнений и Z-преобразования. Описаны алгоритмы исследования нелинейных систем управления методами фазовой плоскости, гармонической и статистической линеаризации. Изложены задачи синтеза оптимальных непрерывных, дискретных, непрерывно-дискретных детерминированных и стохастических систем, задачи совместного оценивания и управления.Для студентов, аспирантов технических вузов и университетов, изучающих теорию управления и регулирования.

sexta-feira, 9 de julho de 2021

Сборник задач и типовых расчетов по высшей математике-Петрушко И.М., Бараненков А.И., Богомолова Е.П.-Collection of problems and typical calculations in higher mathematics--Petrushko I.M., Baranenkov A.I., Bogomolova E.P.-


Collection of problems and typical calculations in higher mathematics Petrushko I.M. , Baranenkov A.I. , Bogomolova E.P.
Сборник задач и типовых расчетов по высшей математике-Петрушко И.М., Бараненков А.И., Богомолова Е.П
 The collection contains more than 4300 problems in the course of higher mathematics. When compiling it, the authors were guided by the idea of ​​eliminating cumbersome calculations that hide basic mathematical concepts. The structure of the problem book assumes that the variety of tasks is sufficient for practical exercises with a teacher, homework assignments, individual standard calculations for each section of the course. The textbook is intended for students of technical, technological, economic and other specialties. 

sábado, 26 de junho de 2021

Матвей Семенович Мацкин Роза Юдовна Мацкина Функции и пределы. Производная ПОСОБИЕ ДЛЯ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ-Matvey Semenovich Matskin Roza Yudovna Matskina Functions and limits. Derivative


Introduction 3 
 Chapter 1. Repetition and deepening of basic information about functions and properties of functions 6 § 1. Repetition of the concept of a function. Function graph. General notation of a function 6
 § 2. Monotone functions. Increase and decrease of a function on a given interval. The concept of the maximum and minimum of a function 11
 § 3. Even and odd functions. Top-bounded and bottom-bounded functions. Limited features. Periodic functions. Scheme of investigation of a function 15 

 Chapter 2. Inverse functions 23 
 § 1. The concept of an inverse function. Graph of an inverse function 23
 § 2. Properties of inverse functions 27 § 3. Inverse trigonometric functions 31 

 Chapter 3. Limit of a function 34 § 1. Limit of the function f (x) as u oo 36
 § 2. Limit of the function f (x) as x - a (a is a real number) 48
 § 3. Limit of the ratio of the sine to the argument when the argument tends to zero 56 
 § 4. Theorems on limits 61
 § 5. The concept of continuity of a function 67

 Chapter 4. The concept of the derivative. Calculation of the derivative. Application of the derivative to the solution of physical and other problems 75 
 § 1. The speed of rectilinear motion. The concept of a derivative 76
 § 2. Theorems on derivatives. Derivatives of some elementary functions 82 
 § 3. Physical and other examples of the use of the derivative Acceleration. The concept of the second derivative 101 

 Chapter 5. Geometric meaning of the derivative. Exploring functions using a derivative. Solving problems related to finding the largest and smallest values ​​of functions. Newton binomial formula 112
 § 1. Geometric meaning of the derivative 113 
 § 2. Study of functions for increasing and decreasing and finding the maximum and minimum points of functions using the derivative 125
 § 3. Study of functions using the derivative and the construction of their graphs. Graphical solution of equations 140
 § 4. Problems of finding the maximum and minimum values ​​of functions 163 § 5. Derivation of the Newton binomial formula and its application to approximate calculations 171

domingo, 13 de junho de 2021

A Collection of Problems on a Course of Mathematical Analysis Por G. N. Berman ( VERSION ENGLISH,RUSSIAN)



 LINK ENGLISH VERSION :https://br1lib.org/dl/2568938/0f5697

Сборник задач по курсу математического анализа. Берман Г.Н.-2016 (RUSSIAN VERSION)

terça-feira, 11 de maio de 2021