SOURCE WEBSITE:http://www.iitentrance.in/2008/07/motion-mountain-is-free-physics.html
Motion Mountain is a free physics textbook on the internet written by Christoph Schiller (*1960). He gives the following aim:
Across all languages, physics is the science with the worst textbooks. This project wants to change this, by producing a simple, vivid and up-to-date introduction to modern physics. 'Simple' means that concepts are stressed more than formalism; 'vivid' means that the reader is continuously entertained, motivated and challenged; 'up-to-date' means that modern research and present ideas about unification are included. The subtitle of the text, The Adventure of Physics, sums up these three aspects.
The book, with 1498 pages, is divided into six parts, covering mechanics and thermodynamics, special and general relativity, electrodynamics and optics, quantum theory, advanced quantum theory with nuclear and particle physics, and the unification of quantum theory with general relativity. The last three parts are not yet finished.
The book provides numerous photographs, a large number of puzzles, topics from sport, biology and neural science, and presents many modern research results not typically found in conventional physics texts. There are about two enlarged and revised editions of the texts per year.